14 Video Marketing Tips For 2021.
1. Make your thumbnails catchy.
Try to use a catchy thumbnail on your videos. The video thumbnail is the image someone views first before making the decision to play the video.
2. Use text overlay.
When doing thumbnails for videos you should try and use images with some text over it.
Bonus tip. Try to keep the text on the right and the image on the left or vice versa.
3. YouTube.
Every thumbnail is different so please do some research on YouTube to see what the top marketers are using to get a good idea as marketing do change.
Small tip. People will watch a bad video with good audio, but they dislike watching quality videos with bad audio and this can lower your video ranking in the search results.
4. Should you keep your videos short?
You should really be aiming to keep your videos short. 30 to 60 seconds long is good for viral content or to the point. This advice changes depending on what you show in them videos.
Are you explaining tips in your video’s? Then I find it is better to try to keep the videos short, clear and simple for your viewers.
Most viewers don’t like to stay on videos that drag on so give them the information fast as the mind will start to lose focus if videos are too long.
Bonus tip. People love hard simple advice, and they love it even more if the advice is something they can apply or do the same hour or day.
5. Make people feel good.
Do videos that make people feel good.
Let’s say your video was a funny video, people like to watch them longer as they feel good when laughing, and now you have a better chance of keeping the viewers watching your videos.
6. Test what works for you.
Let’s say you were doing a funny pet video, I think you should be keeping them videos 0:30 seconds to 1:20 seconds long. I have seen some quick five to 10 second videos go viral so please test what length of videos work best with your viewers and remember that media will always surprise you.
7. Get Rewarded by Google.
If you want Google to reward you then I recommend longer videos. Google love sites people stay on longer so longer videos and amazing information people like to read or watch will help do just that for your content online. Concentrate on one market and needs to get the best results on Google.
8. The challenge.
Having long videos that keep people around might be a challenge you might think?
We all know people don’t like to watch things that take much time away from them. This tip below I have for you is easy and should give you some direction for making longer videos.
Six 10 second clips of funny animals is better than a long boring video that just shows 1 min of the same pet doing the same thing. People search top 3 and top 10 so you can start with this when building fun content.
9. Catchy video headlines.
Please never forget to use short catchy headlines like “ten ways cats make us laugh”. “Ten funny animals caught on camera”. You can use what you like but this tip is only to get you started.
Try and keep headlines under six words. Around 44% of people scan headlines. Small tip. People scan the first and last words of a headline. Make this the prime location for them buzzwords.
10. Make videos exciting.
Videos that flick from image to image work amazing because people like to see real things. People love the movement in the video at the right speed with the right music. Not all videos need music so test if you need a voice.
Mountain views, nice houses and fancy beach clubs that look out to the sea make people feel good as people like high views. You see this with the aerial view of cruise ships from the helicopter or plane for promo videos.
We know people buy experience and experience comes with a small price tag. Give viewers a free experience by using the right photos and videos with views.
11. Viral videos.
Viral videos usually go viral because people haven’t seen what’s in the video before. Small example for you. We all know dogs walk on four legs right? So when you see a dog starting to walk on two legs then it is kind of funny right?
People never share anything for the fun of it. People like to share videos of cool things. One of the big reasons people like to share things with friends is because humans like to let people know they’ve seen it first. It’s a strange thing people do so use this to your advantage.
12 Google is like one big university.
Google like websites that users stay on longer.
My guess is probably right or close to the right answer. Google is like one big university, people search Google for how to problems to educate themselves, and if your information is what the user is looking for then you have more chance of keeping them on your site.
Google knows almost everything. They know how long people are staying and looking at things on your site.
If Google can see that people are staying on your page for a long time, they know it’s probably a good site with the right information and now you have more chance of getting ranked higher.
Please note this is not the only way to get ranked higher. This post is just to help you get that little bit more from video marketing.
13. Let them know.
Do you post a great deal of videos? Don’t forget to use things like this in your title.
[#1 or #2] [ one of two ] [ Part one of Two ] [ Video 6 ]
Letting the viewer know you have more videos with this easy trick will get more clicks and views as the user now wants to see more videos if you have good information in them videos.
Tip. To save the space for more words in your headline you can just put this information part 1 & part 2 on your text overlay image so it frees up more room for your headline and description.
14. Give value.
People won’t look at your videos if you don’t give value. You will only annoy the hell out of them and make them leave your website. You might think talking about yourself in all your videos is probably the right thing, but it’s not and it can hurt your ranking.